Configuration Management in the X Window System Jim Fulton X Consortium MIT Laboratory for Computer Science 545 Technology Square Cambridge, MA 02139 ABSTRACT The X Window System has become an industry standard for network window technology in part because of the portability of the sample implemen- tation from MIT. Although many systems are designed to reuse source code across different platforms, X is unusual in its portability across software build environments. This paper describes several mechanisms used in the MIT release of the X Window System to obtain such flexibility, and summarizes some of the lessons learned in trying to support X on a number of different platforms. 1. Introduction The X Window System is a portable, network transparent win- dow system originally developed at MIT. It is intended for use on raster display devices ranging from simple monochrome frame buffers to deep, true color graphics processors. Because of its client/server architecture, the non- proprietary nature of its background, and the portability of the sample implementation from MIT, the X Window System has rapidly grown to become an industry standard. This porta- bility is the result of several factors: a system architec- ture that isolates operating system and device-specifics at several levels; a slow, but machine-independent, graphics package that may be used for an initial port and to handle cases that the underlying graphics hardware does not sup- port; and the use of a few, higher-level tools for managing the build process itself. _________________________ X Window System is a trademark of MIT; DECnet is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation; UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T. Copyright (C) 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. February 19, 1996 1.1. Summary of X Window System Architecture The X Window System is the result of a combined effort between MIT Project Athena and the MIT Laboratory for Com- puter Science. Since its inception in 1984, X has been redesigned three times, culminating in Version 11 which has since become an industry standard (see [Scheifler 88] for a more detailed history). X uses the client/server model of limiting interactions with the physical display hardware to a single program (the server) and providing a way for appli- cations (the clients) to send messages (known as requests) to the server to ask it to perform graphics operations on the client's behalf. These messages are sent along a reli- able, sequenced, duplex byte stream using whatever underly- ing transport mechanisms the operating system provides. If connections using network virtual circuits (such as TCP/IP or DECnet) are supported, clients may be run on any remote machine (including ones of differing architectures) while still displaying on the local server. The details of how the client establishes and maintains con- nections with the server are typically hidden in a subrou- tine package (known as a language binding) which provides a function call interface to the X protocol. Higher level toolkits and user interface management systems are then built on top of the binding library, as shown in Figure 1 for the C programming language. Since only the underlying operating system networking interface of the binding (shown in italics) need be changed when porting to a new platform, well-written applications can simply be recompiled. ---------------------------- application ------+ UIMS | -------------- widgets _________________________ Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this document for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice ap- pear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting docu- mentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permis- sion. M.I.T. makes no representations about the suit- ability of the software described herein for any pur- pose. It is provided "as is" without express or im- plied warranty. February 19, 1996 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------------------+ | | toolkit | | +--------------------------+ | Xlib | +------ -------+ | os | +--------------------------+ Figure 1: architecture of a typical C language client program The server takes care of clipping of graphics output and routing keyboard and pointer input to the appropriate appli- cations. Unlike many previous window systems, moving and resizing of windows are handled outside the server by spe- cial X applications called window managers. Different user interface policies can be selected simply by running a dif- ferent window manager. The MIT sample server can be divided into three sections: a device-independent layer called diX for managing the various shared resources (windows, pixmaps, colormaps, fonts, cur- sors, etc.), an operating system layer called os for per- forming machine-specific operations (managing connections to clients, dealing with timers, reading color and font name databases, and memory allocation), and a device-specific layer called ddX for drawing on the display and getting input from the keyboard and pointer. Only the os and ddX portions of the server need to be changed when porting X to a new device. Although this is still a substantial amount of work, a col- lection of pixel-oriented drawing packages that only require device-specific routines (refered to as spans) to read and write rows of pixels are provided to allow initial ports of X to be done in a very short time. A server developer can then concentrate on replacing those operations that can be implemented more efficiently by the hardware. Figure 2 shows the relative layering of the various packages within the sample server from MIT. The mi library provides highly portable, machine-independent routines that may be used on a wide variety of displays. The mfb and cfb libraries contain versions of the graphics routines for monochrome and color frame buffers, respectively. Finally, the snf library can be used to read fonts stored in Server Natural Format. Typ- ically, only the sections printed in italics need be changed when moving to a new platform. ---------------------------- diX February 19, 1996 | | | | +---------------------+----+ | ddX | | +---+-----+-----+-----+ | |mi | mfb | cfb | snf | os | +---+-----+-----+-----+ | | spans | | +---------------------+----+ Figure 2: architecture of the MIT sample server By splitting out the device-specific code (by separating clients from servers and diX from ddX) and then providing portable utility libraries (mi, mfb, cfb, and cfb) that may be used to implement the non-portable portions of the sys- tem, much of the code can be reused across many platforms, ranging from personal computers to supercomputers. 2. Configuring the Software Build Process In practice, porting X to a new platform typically requires adding support in the operating system-specific networking routines and mixing together pieces of machine-independent and device-specific code to access the input and output hardware. Although this approach is very portable, it increases the complexity of the build process as different implementations require different subsets. One solution is to litter the source code with machine-specific compiler directives controlling which modules areas get built on a given platform. However, this rapidly leads to sources that are hard to understand and even harder to maintain. A more serious problem with this approach is that it requires configuration information to be replicated in almost every module. In addition to being highly prone to error, modifying or adding a new configuration becomes extremely difficult. In contrast, collecting the various options and parameters in a single location makes it possi- ble for someone to reconfigure the system without having to understand how all of the modules fit together. Although sophisticated software management systems are very useful, they tend to be found only on specific platforms. Since the configuration system must be working before a build can begin, the MIT releases try to adhere to the fol- lowing principles: o Use existing tools to do the build (e.g. make) where possible; writing complicated new tools simply adds to the amount of software that has to be boot- strapped. o Keep it simple. Every platform has a different set February 19, 1996 of extensions and bugs. Plan for the least common denominator by only using the core features of known tools; don't rely on vendor-specific features. o Providing sample implementations of simple tools that are not available on all platforms (e.g. a BSD- compatible install script for System V) is very use- ful. o Machine-dependencies should be centralized to make reconfiguration easy. o Site-wide options (e.g. default parameters such as directory names, file permissions, and enabling par- ticular features) should be stored in only one loca- tion. o Rebuilding within the source tree without losing any of the configuration information must be simple. o It should be possible to configure external software without requiring access to the source tree. One approach is to add certain programming constructs (par- ticularly conditionals and iterators) to the utility used to actually build the software (usually make; see [Lord 88]). Although this an attractive solution, limits on time and personnel made implementing and maintaining such a system impractical for X. The MIT releases of X employ a less ambitious approach that uses existing tools (particularly make and cpp). Makefiles are generated automatically by a small, very simple program named imake (written by Todd Brunhoff of Tektronix) that combines a template listing variables and rules that are common to all Makefiles, a machine- and a site-specific con- figuration file, a set of rule functions written as cpp macros, and simple specifications of targets and sources called Imakefiles. Since the descriptions of the inputs and outputs of the build are separated from the commands that implement them, machine dependencies such as the following can be controlled from a single location: o Some versions of make require that the variable SHELL to be set to the name of the shell that should be used to execute make commands. o The names of various special make variables (e.g. MFLAGS vs. MAKEFLAGS) differ between versions. o Special directives to control interaction with source code maintenance systems are required by some versions of make. February 19, 1996 o Rules for building targets (e.g. ranlib, lint options, executable shell scripts, selecting alter- nate compilers) differ among platforms. o Some systems require special compiler options (e.g. increased internal table sizes, floating point options) for even simple programs. o Some systems require extra libraries when linking programs. o Not all systems need to compile all sources. o Configuration parameters may need to be passed to some (such as -DDNETCONN to compile in DECnet sup- port) or all (such as -DSYSV to select System V code) programs as preprocessor symbols. o Almost all systems organize header files differ- ently, making static dependencies in Makefiles impossible to generate. By using the C preprocessor, imake provides a familiar set of interfaces to conditionals, macros, and symbolic con- stants. Common operations, such as compiling programs, cre- ating libraries, creating shell scripts, and managing subdirectories, can be described in a concise, simple way. Figure 3 shows the Imakefile used to build a manual page browser named xman (written by Chris Peterson program of the MIT X Consortium, based on an implementation for X10 by Barry Shein): DEFINES = -DHELPFILE=\"$(LIBDIR)$(PATHSEP)\" LOCAL_LIBRARIES = $(XAWLIB) $(XMULIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB) SRCS = ScrollByL.c handler.c man.c pages.c buttons.c help.c menu.c search.c \ globals.c main.c misc.c tkfuncs.c OBJS = ScrollByL.o handler.o man.o pages.o buttons.o help.o menu.o search.o \ globals.o main.o misc.o tkfuncs.o INCLUDES = -I$(TOOLKITSRC) -I$(TOP) ComplexProgramTarget (xman) InstallNonExec (, $(LIBDIR)) Figure 3: Imakefile used by a typical client program This application requires the name of the directory in which its help file is installed (which is a configuration parame- ter), several libraries, and various X header files. The macro ComplexProgramTarget generates the appropriate rules to build the program, install it, compute dependencies, and February 19, 1996 remove old versions of the program and its object files. The InstallNonExec macro generates rules to install xman's help file with appropriate permissions. 3. Generating Makefiles Although imake is a fairly powerful tool, it is a very sim- ple program. All of the real work is performed by the tem- plate, rule, and configuration files. The version currently used at MIT (which differs somewhat from the version sup- plied in the last release of X) uses symbolic constants for all configuration parameters so that they may be overridden or used by other parameters. General build issues (such as the command to execute to run the compiler) are isolated from X issues (such as where should application default files be installed) by splitting the template as shown in Figure 4. +--------------------------------+ |Imake.tmpl | | +-------------------------+ | | | #include "" | | | +-------------------------+ | | +-------------------------+ | | | #include "site.def" | | | +-------------------------+ | | +-------------------------+ | | | #include "Project.tmpl" | | | +-------------------------+ | | +-------------------------+ | | | #include "Imake.rules" | | | +-------------------------+ | | +-------------------------+ | | | #include "./Imakefile" | | | +-------------------------+ | +--------------------------------+ Figure 4: structure of imake template used by X This template instructs imake to perform the following steps when creating a Makefile: 1. Using conditionals, Imake.tmpl determines the machine for which the build is being configured and includes a machine-specific configuration file (usually named Using the C prepro- cessor to define various symbols, this configura- tion file sets the major and minor version numbers of the operating system, the names of any servers to build, and any special programs (such as February 19, 1996 alternate compilers) or options (usually to increase internal table sizes) that need to be used during the build. Defaults are provided for all parameters, so .cf files need only describe how this particular platform differs from ``generic'' UNIX System V or BSD UNIX. Unlike previous versions of the imake configuration files, when new parameters are added, only the systems which are effected by them need to be updated. 2. Next, a site-specific file (named site.def) is included so that parameters from the .cf files may be overridden or defaults for other options pro- vided. This is typically used by a site adminis- trator to set the names of the various directories into which the software should be installed. Again, all of the standard cpp constructs may be used. 3. A project-specific file (named Project.tmpl) is included to set various parameters used by the particular software package being configured. By separating the project parameters (such as direc- tories, options, etc.) from build parameters (such as compilers, utilities, etc.), the master template and the .cf files can be shared among various development efforts. 4. A file containing the set of cpp rules (named Imake.rules) is included. This is where the vari- ous macro functions used in the master template and the per-directory description files (named Imakefile) are defined. These rules typically make very heavy use of the make variables defined in Imake.tmpl so that a build's configuration may be changed without having to edit this file. 5. The Imakefile describing the input files and out- put targets for the current directory is included. This file is supplied by the programmer instead of a Makefile. The functions that it invokes are translated by cpp into series of make rules and targets. 6. Finally, make rules for recreating the Makefile and managing subdirectories are appended, and the result is written out as the new Makefile. Imake, along with a separate tool (named makedepend, also written by Brunhoff) that generates Makefile dependencies between object files and the source files used to build them, allows properly configured Makefiles to be regenerated quickly and correctly. By isolating the machine- and site- February 19, 1996 specifics from the programmer, imake is much like a well- developed text formatter: both allow the writer to concen- trate on the content, rather than the production, of a docu- ment. 4. How X uses imake Development of X at MIT is currently done on more than half a dozen different platforms, each of which is running a dif- ferent operating system. A common source pool is shared across those machines that support symbolic links and NFS by creating trees of links pointing back to the master sources (similar to the object trees of [Harrison 88]). Editing and source code control is done in the master sources and builds are done in the link trees. A full build is done by creating a fresh link tree and invoking a simple, stub top-level Makefile which: 1. compiles imake. 2. builds the real top-level Makefile. 3. builds the rest of the Makefiles using the new top-level Makefile. 4. removes any object files left over from the previ- ous build. 5. builds the header file tree, and computes and appends the list of dependencies between object files and sources to the appropriate Makefiles. 6. and finally, compiles all of the sources. If the build completes successfully, programs, libraries, data files, and manual pages may then be installed. By keeping object files out of the master source tree, backups and releases can be done easily and efficiently. By substi- tuting local copies of particular files for the appropriate links, developers can work without disturbing others. 5. Limitations Although the system described here is very useful, it isn't perfect. Differences between utilities on various systems places a restriction on how well existing tools can be used. One of the reasons why imake is a program instead of a triv- ial invocation of the C preprocessor is that some cpp's col- lapse tabs into spaces while others do not. Since make uses tabs to separate commands from targets, imake must sometimes reformat the output from cpp so that a valid Makefile is generated. February 19, 1996 Since cpp only provides global scoping of symbolic con- stants, parameters are visible to the whole configuration system. For larger projects, this approach will probably prove unwieldy both to the people trying to maintain them and to the preprocessors that keep the entire symbol table in memory. The macro facility provided by cpp is convenient because it is available on every platform and it is familar to most people. However, a better language with real programming constructs might provide a better interface. The notions of describing one platform in terms of another and providing private configuration parameters map intriguingly well into the models used in object management systems. 6. Summary and Observations The sample implementation of the X Window System from MIT takes advantage of a system architecture that goes to great lengths to isolate device-dependencies. By selectively using portable versions of the device-specific functions, a developer moving X to a new platform can quickly get an ini- tial port up and running very quickly. To manage the various combinations of modules and to cope with the differing requirements of every platform and site, X uses a utility named imake to separate the description of sources and targets from the details of how the software is actually built. Using as few external tools as possible, this mechanism allows support for new platforms to be added with relatively little effort. Although the approaches taken by MIT will not work for everyone, several of its experiences may be useful in other projects: o Even if portability isn't a goal now, it probably will become one sooner than expected. o Just as in other areas, it frequently pays to peri- odically stand back from a problem and see whether or not a simple tool will help. With luck and the right amount of abstracting it may even solve sev- eral problems at once. o Be wary of anything that requires manual interven- tion. o And finally, there is no such thing as portable software, only software that has been ported. 7. References February 19, 1996 [Harrison 88] ``Rtools: Tools for Software Management in a Dis- tributed Computing Environment,'' Helen E. Harrison, Stephen P. Schaefer, Terry S. Yoo, Proceedings of the Usenix Association Summer Conference, June 1988, 85-94. [Lord 88] ``Tools and Policies for the Hierarchical Management of Source Code Development,'' Thomas Lord, Proceedings of the Usenix Association Summer Conference, June 1988, 95-106. [Scheifler 88] X Window System: C Library and Protocol Reference, Robert Scheifler, James Gettys, and Ron Newman, Digital Press, Bedford, MA, 1988. February 19, 1996