The PIMPL idiom

In C++ when anything in a header file changes, all code that includes the header (either directly or indirectly) must be recompiled. To minimalize this we use PIMPL idiom:

// file x.h
class X
    // public members
    // protected members
    // pointer to forward declared class
    class XImpl *pimpl_;  // opaque pointer

Questions: -- What should go into XImpl? Options are:

-- Does XImpl require a pointer back to the X object?


PIPML has some drawbacks, like allocating/deallocating objects in the heap, which could be slow.

What about this "optimalization"?

// file: y.h

class Y
    static const size_t sizeofx = /* ... */;
    char x_[sizeofx];

// file: y.cpp

#include "x.h"

    assert( sizeofx >= sizeof(X) );
    new(&x_[0]) X;



Space overhead:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct X {
    char c;
    struct XImpl *pimpl_;
struct XImpl { char c; };

int main()
    cout << sizeof(XImpl) << '\t' << sizeof(X) << endl;
    return 0;

// result: 1    8

Runtime overhead:

// file x.h

class X
    struct XImpl *pimpl_;

// file x.cpp

#include "x.h"

struct XImpl
    // private stuff here ...
    static void *operator new(size_t)   { /*...*/ }
    static void *operator delete(void*) { /*...*/ }

X::X() : pimpl_( new XImpl ) { }
X::~X() { delete pimpl_; pimpl_ = 0; }