5 properties of Good Tests

- Correctness
- Readability
- Completeness
- Demonstrability
- Resilience

- Write correct tests

- Yourself and others
- Perhaps a documentation

- Test the full of my API
- Only my API

- Show use cases

- Only failes when we want to it
- Never fails otherwise


Tests depend upon known bugs

int square( int x)
  // TODO: Implement
  return 0;

TEST (SquareTest, MathTests)
  EXPECT_EQ( 0, square(2));
  EXPECT_EQ( 0, square(3));
  EXPECT_EQ( 0, square(5));

- code review!

TEST (SquareTest, MathTests)
  EXPECT_EQ(  4, square(2));
  EXPECT_EQ(  9, square(3));
  EXPECT_EQ( 25, square(5));

If the test fails, we should decide who to blame:
- the writer of the code?, or
- the writer of the tests?

- Log library issue

Tests that don't execute real scenarios

class MockWorld : public World
  // assume world is flat
  bool IsFlat() override { return true; }

TEST (Flat, WorldTests)
  MockWorld world;
  EXPECT_TRUE( world.Populate() );
  EXPECT_TRUE( world.IsFlat() );

- Testing the Mock not the real code


Tests should be obvious tothe future reader (including yourself)


- Too much boilerplate and other distraction

TEST (BigSystemTest, CallIsUnimplemented)
  TestStorageSystem storage;
  auto test_data = GetTestFileMap();
  BigSystem system;
  ASSERT_OK( system.Initialize(5));
  ThreadPoool pool(10);



  EXPECT_TRUE( IsUnimplemented(system.Status()) );    // actual test

- Not enough context in the test (opposite than previos)
  (hiding important details)

TEST (BigSystemTest, ReadMagicBytes)
  BigSystem system = InitializeTestSystemAndTestData();
  EXPECT_EQ( 42, system.PrivateKey() );

  At least comment it!

- Don't use advanced test framework features when it is not necessary

class BigSystemTest : public ::testing::Test
  BigSystemTest() : filename_("/tmp/test") { }

  void SetUp()
    ASSERT_OK( file::WriteData(filename_, "Hello world!\n") );
  BigSystem   system_;
  std::string filename_;

TEST_F(BigSystemTest, BasicTest)

  is equivalent with that:

TEST_F(BigSystemTest, BasicTest)
  BigSystem  system;

  is equivalent?
  Perhaps there are hidden activities when writing file::WriteData() ...

  A test is like a novel:

   - setup
   - action
   - conclusion


- test for the easy cases:

TEST (FactorialTest, basicTests)
  EXPECT_EQ( 1,   Factorial(1) );
  EXPECT_EQ( 120, Factorial(5) );

int Factorial( int n)
  if ( 1 == n )  return 1;
  if ( 5 == n )  return 120;
  return -1;

- test for the edge cases

TEST (FactorialTest, basicTests)
  EXPECT_EQ( 1,   Factorial(1) );
  EXPECT_EQ( 120, Factorial(5) );
  EXPECT_EQ( 1,   Factorial(0) );
  EXPECT_EQ( 479001600, Factorial(12) );
  EXPECT_EQ( std::numeric_limits::max<int>(), Factorial(13) );  // overflow
  EXPECT_EQ( 1,   Factorial(0) );               // check, no internal state
  EXPECT_EQ( std::numeric_limits::max<int>(), Factorial(-TEST ( Foo, First)
  ASSERT_EQ( 0, i);
10) ); // overflow

  perhaps write tests first: not be driven by the implementation...

- test only what we are responsible for

TEST (FilterTest, WithVector)
  vector<int> v;   // make sure vector is working
  EXPECT_EQ( 1, v.size() );
  EXPECT_EQ( 0, v.size() );
  EXPECT_TRUE( v.empty() );

  // Now test our stuff
  v = Filter( { 1,2,3,4,5}, [](int x) { 0 == return x % 2; } );
  EXPECT_THAT( v, ElementsAre(2,4) );

  Where to draw the line? I should test only what I implemented.

TEST (FilterTest, WithVector)
  vector<int> v;

  v = Filter( { 1,2,3,4,5}, [](int x) { 0 == return x % 2; } );
  EXPECT_THAT( v, ElementsAre(2,4) );


Clients will learn the system via tests.
Tests should serve as a demonstration of how teh API works.

- Using private API is bad.
- Using friend + test only methods are bad.
- Bad usage in unit tests suggesting a bad API

class Foo
  friend FooTest;
  bool Setup();
  bool ShortcutSetupForTesting();

TEST (FooTest, Setup)
  EXPECT_TRUE( ShortcutSetupForTesting() );

  No user can call ShortcutSetupForTesting().

class Foo
  bool Setup();

TEST (FooTest, Setup)
  EXPECT_TRUE( Setup() );


- Write tests that depend only on published API guarantees!

  - Flaky tests (re-run gets different results)
  - Brittle tests (depending on too many assumptions, implementation details)
  - Tests depending on execution order
  - Mocks depending upon underlying APIs
  - Non-hermetic tests

Flaky test

TEST ( UpdaterTest, RunsFast)
  Updater updater;
  SleepFor(Seconds(.5));  // should be enough
  EXPECT_TRUE( updater.Updated() );

 - RotatingLogFileTest  at midnight ...

Brittle test

  Tests that can fail for changes unrelated to the code under test.
  Might be our code changes, but not **this** part.

TEST ( Tags, ContentsAreCorrect)
  TagSet tags = {5,8,10};  // unordered set

  EXPECT_THAT( tags, ElementsAre(8,5,10) );


TEST ( Tags, ContentsAreCorrect)
  TagSet tags = {5,8,10};  // unordered set

  EXPECT_THAT( tags, UnorderedElementsAre(5,8,10) );

What about that?

TEST ( MyTest, LogWasCalled)
  EXPECT_TRUE( Frobber::start() );
  EXPECT_TRUE( Logs(), Contains("file.cc:421: OpenedFile frobber.config") );

Can fail for changes unrelated to the code under test.
Red flag: "Run your code twice".

Perhaps use here regular expression...  and set up boundaries wher my log should be.


  Tests fail if they aren't run all together or in a particular order.

static int i = 0;

TEST ( Foo, First)
  ASSERT_EQ( 0, i);

TEST ( Foo, Second)
  ASSERT_EQ( 1, i);

Many test environments runs tests paralelry or somebody touch the state.
Global state is bad idea, causing hidden dependency.
Files, etc ...


  Test fails if anyone else runs the same test at the same time.

TEST (Foo, StorageTest)
  StorageServer *server = GetStorageServerHandle();
  auto val = rand();

  server->Store("testkey", val);
  EXPECT_EQ( val, server->Load("testkey") );

  - std::this_thread::get_id()
  - putenv()

Deep dependency

class File
  virtual bool Stat( Stat *stat);
  virtual bool StatWithOptions( Stat *stat, Options, options)
    return Stat(stat);  // ignore options

TEST (MyTest, FSUsage)
  EXPECT_CALL( file, Stat(_)).Times(1);

  Will fail when StatWithOptions() is implemented directly, not via Stat().

  People are depending on implicit interfaces (call order, etc...)


- Correctness: write test testing what you wanted to test
- Readability : write readable tests, use code review
- Completeness: test all edge cases, but test only what you are responsible for
- Demonstrability: show how to use the API
- Resilience: hermetic, only breaks when unacceptable behaviour change happens

Goals are not RULES.

Who writes the test? - implementer or somebody else

What to do, when you have a large tests with complex state?

How to test Async operations

 - separate goals:
    - does it give the correct results?
    - does it do fast?
   don't try it in one test

 - e.g. sanitizers etc. have overhead.