Példa 8

template <class Ch, class Tr = char_traits<Ch> >
class std::basic_ostream : virtual public basic_ios<Ch,Tr> {
        virtual ~basic_ostream();
        // ...

Példa 9

typedef basic_ostream<char> ostream;
typedef basic_ostream<wchar_t> wostream;

Példa 10

template <class Ch, class Tr = char_traits<Ch> >
class std::basic_ios : public ios_base {
        typedef Ch char_type;
        typedef Tr traits_type;
        typedef typename Tr::int_type int_type; // type of integer value of character
        typedef typename Tr::pos_type pos_type; // position in buffer
        typedef typename Tr::off_type off_type; // offset in buffer

Példa 11

ostream cout;           // standard output stream of char
ostream cerr;           // standard unbuffered output stream for error messages
ostream clog;           // standard output stream for error messages

wostream wcout; // wide stream corresponding to cout
wostream wcerr; // wide stream corresponding to cerr
wostream wclog; // wide stream corresponding to clog

Példa 12

template <class Ch, class Tr = char_traits<Ch> >
class basic_ostream : virtual public basic_ios<Ch,Tr> {
        // ...

        basic_ostream& operator<<(short n);
        basic_ostream& operator<<(int n);
        basic_ostream& operator<<(long n);

        basic_ostream& operator<<(unsigned short n);
        basic_ostream& operator<<(unsigned int n);
        basic_ostream& operator<<(unsigned long n);

        basic_ostream& operator<<(float f);
        basic_ostream& operator<<(double f);
        basic_ostream& operator<<(long double f);

        basic_ostream& operator<<(bool n);
        basic_ostream& operator<<(const void* p);               // write pointer value

        basic_ostream& put(Ch c);       // write c
        basic_ostream& write(const Ch* p, streamsize n);        // p[0]..p[n-1]

        // ...

Példa 13

cerr << "x = " << x;

(cerr.operator<<("x = ")).operator<<(x);

template<class Ch, class Tr>
        basic_ostream<Ch,Tr>& operator<<(basic_ostream<Ch,Tr>&, Ch);
template<class Ch, class Tr>
        basic_ostream<Ch,Tr>& operator<<(basic_ostream<Ch,Tr>&, char);
template<class Tr>
        basic_ostream<char,Tr>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char,Tr>&, char);
template<class Tr>
        basic_ostream<char,Tr>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char,Tr>&, signed char);
template<class Tr>
        basic_ostream<char,Tr>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char,Tr>&, unsigned char);

template<class Ch, class Tr>
        basic_ostream<Ch,Tr>& operator<<(basic_ostream<Ch,Tr>&, const Ch*);
template<class Ch, class Tr>
        basic_ostream<Ch,Tr>& operator<<(basic_ostream<Ch,Tr>&, const char*);
template<class Tr>
        basic_ostream<char,Tr>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char,Tr>&, const char*);
template<class Tr>
        basic_ostream<char,Tr>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char,Tr>&, const signed char*);
template<class Tr>
        basic_ostream<char,Tr>& operator<<(basic_ostream<char,Tr>&, const unsigned char*);

Példa 30

template <class Ch, class Tr = char_traits<Ch> >
class std::basic_istream : virtual public basic_ios<Ch,Tr> {
        virtual ~basic_istream();

        // ...

Példa 31

typedef basic_istream<char> istream;
typedef basic_istream<wchar_t> wistream;

istream cin;    // standard input stream of char
wistream wcin;  // standard input stream of wchar_t

Példa 32

template <class Ch, class Tr = char_traits<Ch> >
class basic_istream : virtual public basic_ios<Ch,Tr> {
        // ...
        // formatted input:

        basic_istream& operator>>(short& n);            // read into n
        basic_istream& operator>>(int& n);
        basic_istream& operator>>(long& n);

        basic_istream& operator>>(unsigned short& u);   // read into u
        basic_istream& operator>>(unsigned int& u);
        basic_istream& operator>>(unsigned long& u);

        basic_istream& operator>>(float& f);                    // read into f
        basic_istream& operator>>(double& f);
        basic_istream& operator>>(long double& f);

        basic_istream& operator>>(bool& b);                     // read into b
        basic_istream& operator>>(void*& p);            // read pointer value into p

        // ...

Példa 33

istream& istream::operator>>(T& tvar)   // T is a type for which istream::operator>> is declared
        // skip whitespace, then somehow read a T into `tvar'
        return *this;

Példa 34

int read_ints(vector<int>& v)   // fill v, return number of ints read
        int i = 0;
        while (i<v.size() && cin>>v[i]) i++;
        return i;

Példa 41

template <class Ch, class Tr = char_traits<Ch> >
class basic_ios : public ios_base {
        // ...

        bool good() const;      // next operation might succeed
        bool eof() const;       // end of input seen
        bool fail() const;      // next operation will fail
        bool bad() const;       // stream is corrupted

        iostate rdstate() const;                                        // get io state flags
        void clear(iostate f = goodbit);                                // set io state flags
        void setstate(iostate f) { clear(rdstate()|f); }        // add f to io state flags

        operator void*() const;                                 // nonzero if !fail()
        bool operator!() const { return fail(); }

        // ...

Példa 42

class ios_base {
        // ...

        typedef implementation_defined2 iostate;
        static const iostate badbit,    // stream is corrupted
                                        eofbit,     // end-of-file seen
                                        failbit,        // next operation will fail
                                        goodbit;        // goodbit==0

        // ...

Példa 43

void f()
        ios_base::iostate s = cin.rdstate();    // returns a set of iostate bits

        if (s & ios_base::badbit) {
                // cin characters possibly lost
        // ...
        // ...

Példa 44

template<class T> void iocopy(istream& is, ostream& os)
        T buf;
        while (is>>buf) os << buf << '\n';

Példa 45

void f(istream& i1, istream& i2, istream& i3, istream& i4)
        iocopy<complex>(i1,cout);       // copy complex numbers
        iocopy<double>(i2,cout);        // copy doubles
        iocopy<char>(i3,cout);          // copy chars
        iocopy<string>(i4,cout);        // copy whitespace-separated words

Példa 46

template <class Ch, class Tr = char_traits<Ch> >
class basic_istream : virtual public basic_ios<Ch,Tr> {
        // ...
        // unformatted input:

        streamsize gcount() const;      // number of char read by last get()

        int_type get();                         // read one Ch (or Tr::eof())

        basic_istream& get(Ch& c);      // read one Ch into c

        basic_istream& get(Ch* p, streamsize n);                // newline is terminator
        basic_istream& get(Ch* p, streamsize n, Ch term);

        basic_istream& getline(Ch* p, streamsize n);    // newline is terminator
        basic_istream& getline(Ch* p, streamsize n, Ch term);

        basic_istream& ignore(streamsize n = 1, int_type t = Tr::eof());
        basic_istream& read(Ch* p, streamsize n);       // read at most n char
        // ...

Példa 47

int main()
        char c;
        while(cin.get(c)) cout.put(c);

Példa 48

void f()
        char buf[100];
        cin >> buf;                         // suspect: will overflow some day
        cin.get(buf,100,'\en'); // safe
        // ...

class ios_base {
        // ...
        // names of format flags:

        typedef implementation_defined fmtflags;
        static const fmtflags
                skipws,                 // skip whitespace on input

                left,                   // field adjustment: pad after value
                right,                  // pad before value
                internal,               // pad between sign and value

                boolalpha,              // use symbolic representation of true and false

                dec,                            // integer base: base 10 output (decimal)
                hex,                            // base 16 output (hexadecimal)
                oct,                            // base 8 output (octal)

                scientific,                     // floating-point notation: d.ddddddEdd
                fixed,                  // dddd.dd
                showbase,                       // on output prefix oct by 0 and hex by 0x
                showpoint,              // print trailing zeros
                showpos,                        // explicit '+' for positive ints
                uppercase,              // 'E', 'X' rather than 'e', 'x'

                adjustfield,            // flags related to field adjustment (_io.field.adjust_)
                basefield,                      // flags related to integer base (_io.out.int_)
                floatfield;                     // flags related to floating-point output (_io.out.float_)

                fmtflags unitbuf;       // flush output after each output operation

        fmtflags flags() const;         // read flags
        fmtflags flags(fmtflags f);             // set flags

        fmtflags setf(fmtflags f) { return flags(flags()|f); }                          // add flag
        // clear and set flags in mask:
        fmtflags setf(fmtflags f, fmtflags mask) { return flags((flags()&~mask)|(f&mask)); }
        void unsetf(fmtflags mask) { flags(flags()&~mask); }                            // clear flags

        // ...

Példa 67

const ios_base::fmtflags my_opt = ios_base::left|ios_base::oct|ios_base::fixed;

Példa 72

cout.setf(ios_base::oct,ios_base::basefield);   // octal
cout.setf(ios_base::dec,ios_base::basefield);   // decimal
cout.setf(ios_base::hex,ios_base::basefield);   // hexadecimal

cout << "default:\et" << 1234.56789 << '\en';

cout.setf(ios_base::scientific,ios_base::floatfield);   // use scientific format
cout << "scientific:\et" << 1234.56789 << '\en';

cout.setf(ios_base::fixed,ios_base::floatfield);                // use fixed-point format
cout << "fixed:\et" << 1234.56789 << '\en';

cout.setf(0,ios_base::floatfield);                              // reset to default (that is, general format)
cout << "default:\et" << 1234.56789 << '\en';

default:        1234.57
scientific:     1.234568e+03
fixed:  1234.567890
default:        1234.57

Példa 77

class ios_base {
        // ...
        streamsize precision() const;           // get precision
        streamsize precision(streamsize n);     // set precision (and get old precision)
        // ...

cout << 1234.56789 << ' ' << 1234.56789 << ' ' << 123456 << '\en';

cout << 1234.56789 << ' ' << 1234.56789 << ' ' << 123456 << '\en';

1234.5679 1234.5679 123456
1235 1235 123456

Példa 80

class ios_base {
        // ...
        streamsize width() const;                       // get field width
        streamsize width(streamsize wide);      // set field width
        // ...

template <class Ch, class Tr = char_traits<Ch> >
class basic_ios : public ios_base {
        // ...
        Ch fill() const;                                // get filler character
        Ch fill(Ch ch);                         // set filler character
        // ...

cout << 12;

cout << "ab";

cout.width(0); // ``as many characters as needed''

cout << 12 << ':' << 13;

Példa 86

cout.setf(ios_base::left,ios_base::adjustfield);                // left
cout.setf(ios_base::right,ios_base::adjustfield);       // right
cout.setf(ios_base::internal,ios_base::adjustfield);    // internal


cout << '(';
cout << -12 << "),(";

cout << -12 << "),(";

cout << -12 << ")";

Példa 88

cout << x << flush << y << flush;

template <class Ch, class Tr = char_traits<Ch> >
class basic_istream : virtual public basic_ios<Ch,Tr> {
        // ...
        basic_istream& operator>>(basic_istream& (*pf)(basic_istream&));
        basic_istream& operator>>(basic_ios<Ch,Tr>& (*pf)(basic_ios<Ch,Tr>&));
        basic_istream& operator>>(ios_base& (*pf)(ios_base&));
        // ...

Példa 100

cout << setprecision(4) << angle;

Példa 104

ios_base& boolalpha(ios_base&); // symbolic representation of true and false (input and output)
ios_base& noboolalpha(ios_base& s);     // s.unsetf(ios_base::boolalpha)

ios_base& showbase(ios_base&);  // on output prefix oct by 0 and hex by 0x
ios_base& noshowbase(ios_base& s);      // s.unsetf(ios_base::showbase)

ios_base& showpoint(ios_base&);
ios_base& noshowpoint(ios_base& s);     // s.unsetf(ios_base::showpoint)

ios_base& showpos(ios_base&);
ios_base& noshowpos(ios_base& s);       // s.unsetf(ios_base::showpos)

ios_base& skipws(ios_base&);            // skip whitespace
ios_base& noskipws(ios_base& s);        // s.unsetf(ios_base::skipws)

ios_base& uppercase(ios_base&); // X and E rather than x and e
ios_base& nouppercase(ios_base&);       // x and e rather than X and E

ios_base& internal(ios_base&);          // adjust _io.field.adjust_
ios_base& left(ios_base&);                      // pad after value
ios_base& right(ios_base&);             // pad before value

ios_base& dec(ios_base&);                       // integer base is 10 (_io.out.int_)
ios_base& hex(ios_base&);                       // integer base is 16
ios_base& oct(ios_base&);                       // integer base is 8

ios_base& fixed(ios_base&);             // floating-point format dddd.dd (_io.out.float_)
ios_base& scientific(ios_base&);                // scientific format d.ddddEdd

template <class Ch, class Tr>
        basic_ostream<Ch,Tr>& endl(basic_ostream<Ch,Tr>&);      // put '\en' and flush
template <class Ch, class Tr>
        basic_ostream<Ch,Tr>& ends(basic_ostream<Ch,Tr>&);      // put '\e0' and flush
template <class Ch, class Tr>
        basic_ostream<Ch,Tr>& flush(basic_ostream<Ch,Tr>&);     // flush stream 

template <class Ch, class Tr>
        basic_istream<Ch,Tr>& ws(basic_istream<Ch,Tr>&);        // eat whitespace

smanip resetiosflags(ios_base::fmtflags f);     // clear flags (_io.format_)
smanip setiosflags(ios_base::fmtflags f);               // set flags (_io.format_)
smanip setbase(int b);                                  // output integers in base b (_io.out.int_)
smanip setfill(int c);                                  // make c the fill character (_io.fields_)
smanip setprecision(int n);                             // n digits (_io.out.float_, _io.manipulators_)
smanip setw(int n);                                             // next field width is n char (_io.fields_)

Példa 110

class Bound_form;       // Form plus value

class Form {
        friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const Bound_form&);

        int prc;        // precision
        int wdt;        // width, 0 means as wide as necessary
        int fmt;        // general, scientific, or fixed (_io.out.float_)
        // ...
        explicit Form(int p = 6) : prc(p)       // default precision is 6
                fmt = 0;        // general format (_io.out.float_)
                wdt = 0;        // as wide as necessary

        Bound_form operator()(double d) const;  // make a Bound_form for *this and d

        Form& scientific() { fmt = ios_base::scientific; return *this; }
        Form& fixed() { fmt = ios_base::fixed; return *this; }
        Form& general() { fmt = 0; return *this; }

        Form& uppercase();
        Form& lowercase();
        Form& precision(int p) { prc = p; return *this; }

        Form& width(int w) { wdt = w; return *this; }           // applies to all types
        Form& fill(char);

        Form& plus(bool b = true);                                      // explicit plus
        Form& trailing_zeros(bool b = true);                            // print trailing zeros
        // ...

struct Bound_form {
        const Form& f;
        double val;

        Bound_form(const Form& ff, double v) : f(ff), val(v) { }

Bound_form Form::operator()(double d) { return Bound_form(*this,d); }

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Bound_form& bf)
        ostringstream s;                // string streams are described in _io.stringstream_
        s << bf.val;                    // compose string in s
        return os << s.str();   // output s to os

Példa 112

template <class Ch, class Tr = char_traits<Ch> >
class basic_iostream : public basic_istream<Ch,Tr>, public basic_ostream<Ch,Tr> {
        explicit basic_iostream(basic_streambuf<Ch,Tr>* sb);
        virtual ~basic_iostream();

typedef basic_iostream<char> iostream;
typedef basic_iostream<wchar_t> wiostream;

Példa 113

#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>

void error(const char* p, const char* p2 = "")
        cerr << p << ' ' << p2 << '\en';

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        if (argc != 3) error("wrong number of arguments");

        std::ifstream from(argv[1]);                                    // open input file stream
        if (!from) error("cannot open input file",argv[1]);

        std::ofstream to(argv[2]);                                      // open output file stream
        if (!to) error("cannot open output file",argv[2]);

        char ch;
        while (from.get(ch)) to.put(ch);

        if (!from.eof() || !to) error("something strange happened");

Példa 114

template <class Ch, class Tr = char_traits<Ch> >
class basic_ofstream : public basic_ostream<Ch,Tr> {
        explicit basic_ofstream(const char* p, openmode m = out);

        basic_filebuf<Ch,Tr>* rdbuf() const;

        bool is_open() const;
        void open(const char* p, openmode m = out);
        void close();

Példa 115

typedef basic_ifstream<char> ifstream;
typedef basic_ofstream<char> ofstream;
typedef basic_fstream<char> fstream;

typedef basic_ifstream<wchar_t> wifstream;
typedef basic_ofstream<wchar_t> wofstream;
typedef basic_fstream<wchar_t> wfstream;

class ios_base {
        // ...

        typedef \fP\f(BIimplementation_defined3\f(CW\fZ openmode;
        static openmode app,    // append
                                ate,            // open and seek to end of file (pronounced ``at end'')
                                binary, // I/O to be done in binary mode (rather than text mode)
                                in,             // open for reading
                                out,            // open for writing
                                trunc;  // truncate file to 0-length

        // ...

Példa 123

template <class Ch, class Tr=char_traits<Ch> >
class basic_stringstream : public basic_iostream<Ch,Tr> {
        explicit basic_stringstream(ios_base::openmode m = out|in);
        explicit basic_stringstream(const basic_string<Ch>& s, openmode m = out|in);

        basic_string<Ch> str() const;                   // get copy of string
        void str(const basic_string<Ch>& s);    // set value to copy of s

        basic_stringbuf<Ch,Tr>* rdbuf() const;

typedef basic_istringstream<char> istringstream;
typedef basic_ostringstream<char> ostringstream;
typedef basic_stringstream<char> stringstream;
typedef basic_istringstream<wchar_t> wistringstream;
typedef basic_ostringstream<wchar_t> wostringstream;
typedef basic_stringstream<wchar_t> wstringstream;

Példa 124

string compose(int n, const string& cs)
        extern const char* std_message[];
        ostringstream ost;
        ost << "error(" << n << ") " << std_message[n] << " (user comment: " << cs << ')';
        return ost.str();

Példa 127

template <class Ch, class Tr = char_traits<Ch> >
class basic_ostream : virtual public basic_ios<Ch,Tr> {
        // ...
        explicit basic_ostream(basic_streambuf<Ch,Tr>* b);

        pos_type tellp();                                                       // get current position
        basic_ostream& seekp(pos_type);                         // set current position
        basic_ostream& seekp(off_type, ios_base::seekdir);      // set current position

        basic_ostream& flush();         // empty buffer (to real destination)

        basic_ostream& operator<<(basic_streambuf<Ch,Tr>* b);   // write from b

Példa 128

class ios_base {
        // ...

        typedef implementation_defined seekdir;
        static const seekdir beg,       // seek from beginning of current file
                                        cur,    // seek from current position
                                        end;    // seek backwards from end of current file
        // ...

Példa 129

int f(ofstream& fout)   // fout refers to some file
        fout << '#';                    // add character and move position (+1)
        fout << '*';

Példa 130

template <class Ch, class Tr = char_traits<Ch> >
class basic_istream : virtual public basic_ios<Ch,Tr> {
        // ...

        explicit basic_istream(basic_streambuf<Ch,Tr>* b);

Példa 140

void f()
        std::locale loc("POSIX");               // standard locale for POSIX

        cin.imbue(loc);                         // let cin use loc
        // ...
        cin.imbue(std::locale());               // reset cin to use the default (global) locale

Példa 141

void g(const locale& loc = locale())                    // use current global locale by default
        locale old_global = locale::global(loc);        // make loc the default locale
        // ...

Példa 144

int printf(const char* format ...);                     // write to stdout
int fprintf(FILE*, const char* format ...);     // write to ``file'' (stdout, stderr)
int sprintf(char* p, const char* format ...);   // write to p[0] ...