//  (C) Porkolab 2003
//  A.5.1.
//  Storage classes in C++

// Const Data  
// value known at compile-time
const char *hello = "Hello world";

char *s = const_cast<char *>(hello);
s[3] = 'x';         // could be runtime error !

// Stack
// automatic life

void f()
    int i = 2;  // life starts here with initialization 
}               // life finished here

//  Free store
//  dynamic life

char *p = new char[1024];   // life starts here
delete [] p;                // life finished here

//  Heap  =?= Free store
//  dynamic life

char *p = malloc(1024);

//  Global/Static
//  static life

date d(2003,3,13);  // life of "d", "i" starts here
static int i;

int main()
{                       // initialization/constr call happens here
    static int j = 6;   // initialization happens here
}                       // destr call happens here