//  (C) Porkolab 2003
//  A.3.3.
//  Parameter passing

Historically there are languages with parameter passing by address
(FORTRAN, PASCAL), and by value (PASCAL vith var keyword, C).
The formal just uses equivalent memory fields for the formal and
the actual parameter, but the latter copies the value of actual
parameter into a local variable in the area of the subprogram.

Parameter passing is originated in the initialization semantic
in C++. There is an important difference between initialization
and assignment:

int i = 3;  // initialization with a value:
            // constructor semantic

int j = i;  // initialization with a variable of own type
            // copy constructor semantic

 j = i;     // assignment

Parameter passing follows initialization semantic:

int i = 5;
int j = 6;

void f1( int x, int y)
    // ...

void f2( int &x, int &y)
    // ...

f1( i, j);   ==> int x = i;  // creates local x and copies i to x
                 int y = j;  // creates local y and copies j to y

f2( i, j);   ==> int &x = i; // binds x as a new name to existing i
                 int &y = j; // binds y as a new name to existing j

Typical usage:

void swap( int &x, int &y)
    int tmp = x;
    x = y;
    y = tmp;

int i = 5;
int j = 6;

swap( i, j);

assert(i==6 && j==5);

But: a reference should be bound to a left value:

swap( i, 7);    // syntax error: could not bind reference to 7
int &y = 7;

swap( i, 3.14); // syntax error: conversion creates temporary int,
int &y = int(3.14);  // and reference could not bind to temporary

const int &z1 = 7;      // ok: const ref could bound to 7
const int &z2 = 3.14;   // ok: const ref could bound to temporary