#include #include using namespace std; struct name_dat{ string name; string b_date; }; /* you can have as many variables as you need, of any type!!! read the comment on the bottom of this page*/ void read(name_dat v[50][50], int &, int &); int main() { int n,m; name_dat t[50][50]; read(t,n,m); cout<<" the elements of the matrix: "<>n>>m; if(n<=1 || n>50 || m<=1 || m>50) cout<<"not good, give it again: "<50 || m<=1 || m>50); //fill the matrix cout<<" give the values: "<> v[i][j].name>>v[i][j].b_date; } } } /* when you are defining a structure type of matrix for ex., like her, it means that each element of the matrix contains - this time 2 variables: the name and the birth date; - so, if you say that the matrix is 2x2 you have to give 4 values, that is, 4 naes and 4 birthdays, like: Evan 1990 Karan 1997 Ling 1998 Edimarf 1995 - and this will be the way it writes out on the screen */