#include #include using namespace std; int main() { /*1. how many times happened, that the temperature has changed by more then 10° */ const int max_v=30; int h[max_v]; int n; do { cout << "How many data, between: (1<=n<= " <>n; }while( n<1 || n>max_v); cout << " Give the values: " << endl; for(int i=0; i> h[i]; } // counting int db=0; for(int i=0; i10) db++; } cout<<" - it happened "< #include using namespace std; int main() { /* 2. search - general.. - did it happen at all, that for 3 days the temperature was less then 0° ? */ const int max_v=30; int h[max_v]; int n; do { cout << "How many data, between: (3<=n<= " <>n; }while( n<3 || n>max_v); cout << " Give the values: " << endl; for(int i=0; i> h[i]; } /* search - by while..!!! */ int i=0; bool van=false; /* van MEANS : there_is */ /* HERE YOUR SOLUTION */ //because it is not sure, that there is: if(van) cout<<" - yes, there was such a period..! "< #include using namespace std; int main() { /* what is the average value for those days when the temp. was under 0° ? - it is not sure, that there was such a day */ const int max_v=30; int h[max_v]; int n; do { cout << "How many data, between: (1<=n<= " <>n; }while( n<1 || n>max_v); cout << " Give the values: " << endl; for(int i=0; i> h[i]; } /* HERE YOUR SOLUTION */ return 0; } **************************************************** #include #include using namespace std; void read(float v[], int &, int); int counting(float [], int); int main() { /*1. how many times happened, that the temperature has changed by more then 10° */ const int max_v=30; float h[max_v]; int n; read(h, n, max_v); // counting int db=counting(h, n); cout<<" - it happened "<>n; }while( n<1 || n>max_v); cout<<"please, give the values: "; for(int i=0; i>h[i]; cout<<" "; } } int counting(float h[], int n) { int nr=0; for(int i=0; i10) nr++; } return nr; }