Revision: glite-voms-admin-client--cvs-trunk--0--patch-12 Archive: Creator: Karoly Lorentey Date: Fri Nov 19 18:48:31 CET 2004 Standard-date: 2004-11-19 17:48:31 GMT Modified-files: build.xml perl/gLite/ perl/gLite/ perl/gLite/ project/glite-security-voms-admin-client.spec scripts/glite-environment-perl scripts/voms-admin New-patches: Summary: Fast fixes to make the package work. Keywords: * perl/gLite/ Remove exec bit. Correct package name declaration. Fix reporting of some AXIS fault cases. * perl/gLite/ Use correct config load incantation. * perl/gLite/ Remove exec but. Use correct config load incantation. * build.xml: Revise the whole file. * project/glite-security-voms-admin-client.spec: Use MODULE.BUILD, not MODULE.AGE. Fix setup. Simplify filelist. * scripts/voms-admin: Require at least Perl 5.8.0. Use correct config load incantation.