Java Card 2.1 Platform
Final Revision 1.0


Provides the classes and interfaces for the Java Card security framework.


Interface Summary
DESKey DESKey contains an 8/16/24 byte key for single/2 key triple DES/3 key triple DES operations.
DSAKey The DSAKey interface is the base interface for the DSA algorithms private and public key implementaions.
DSAPrivateKey The DSAPrivateKey interface is used to sign data using the DSA algorithm.
DSAPublicKey The DSAPublicKey interface is used to verify signatures on signed data using the DSA algorithm.
Key The Key interface is the base interface for all keys.
PrivateKey The PrivateKey class is the base class for private keys used in asymmetric algorithms.
PublicKey The PublicKey class is the base class for public keys used in asymmetric algorithms.
RSAPrivateCrtKey The RSAPrivateCrtKey interface is used to sign data using the RSA algorithm in its Chinese Remainder Theorem form.
RSAPrivateKey The RSAPrivateKey class is used to sign data using the RSA algorithm in its modulus/exponent form.
RSAPublicKey The RSAPublicKey is used to verify signatures on signed data using the RSA algorithm.
SecretKey The SecretKey class is the base interface for keys used in symmetric alogrightms (e.g. DES).

Class Summary
KeyBuilder The KeyBuilder class is a key object factory.
MessageDigest The MessageDigest class is the base class for hashing algorthims.
RandomData The RandomData abstract class is the base class for random number generation.
Signature The Signature class is the base class for Signature algorthims.

Exception Summary
CryptoException CryptoException represents a cryptography-related exception.

Package Description

Provides the classes and interfaces for the Java Card security framework.

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